Thursday, 17 September 2009

Lula's Marathon Madness - Week 1 14 Sept

So this week I start training yet again for my first ever marathon to be. Was supposed to run last year, but I think I was one of the 1st victims of pig flu cause I was sick as a dog for all of march, one month before the event. Had to pull out - had no intentions of running for 5 hours or some ridiculous time.

Actually I was more motivated to start this week as my gut is bulging over my belt and my clothes all feel rather tight round the tum and bum area. I guess I have been overdoing the chocolate and cake of late with not enough activity.

First day did not start well. The plan was to get to work earlyish, run then use the gym at work. But got up late, Baby Boy got up before I was ready for him, so really ran behind schedule. Then on the way to nursery drop off, sit in loads of traffic as a bus broke down at the roundabout just before nursery. Then Baby Boy screams his head off when I drop him off so I can't just dash off. I miss the days when he didn't give a hoot when I left but cried when I came to pick him up.

Anyway leave him at nursery and head into more traffic: this time school traffic as I am seriously late. Get to work at about 9am when really I should have been tucking into my 50 emails. But I am determined to start today come hell or high water. Eventually start my run at 910am. Do a hill route in the posh suburb near the office. Got to get me into one of these neighbourhoods in the next 5 years or so. Bump into some skinny cow jogging carefree down the hill whilst I am huffing and puffing up - clearly she is not training like I am. Get a cheery good morning from a bin man. Try to run on a country road but give up fearing for my life. I do maybe about 3 miles. Got to get a pedometer some time soon as guess work on my distance will not be much use for much longer.

Get back to gym at 945, do 20 mins in gym then head for shower. See notice outside changing room saying 'closed between 10-11 for cleaning' which I ignore - I have work to do. But apparently it is true, cleaning lady comes in as I am about to go to shower and tells me I need to leave or 'I get in trouble with my boss'. I beg for 5 minutes which is not too much to ask seeing that my tits are hanging out already - she says 'OK 5 minutes'. I think I do it all in 7 - not bad.


  1. you had PIG flu and then was as sick as a DOG? LOL funny

  2. Akin - that virus was vicious.

