Saturday, 17 October 2009

Tuesday 6th October

Today is my last day off and I was planning to go for a nice long one today but frankly just felt like staying in my PJs in bed.... and as soon as I did the nursery drop off, I do just that. Get up about 3pm - not sure when I nodded off. I feel rough and really the only thing that will sort this is exercise. Don't do coffee or tea so got to do something. Get dressed fast before I change my mind.
My run round the neighbourhood coincides with the afternoon school run. Bump into mummies and daddies and big brothers and big sisters and childminders and grannies picking up their charges. That's gonna be me in...3 years time. How the hell will I do it cause neither my or his Dad's job finishes in the middle of the afternoon so going to have to shell out money for a childminder on top of school fees, unless of course I miraculously don't need to work....

Time :21 minutes

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