Monday, 22 February 2010

Marathon Madness Part II

So I know I started my marathon training supposedly in September. Well I did, but that was practice training it seemed.

For the past 7 weeks I have been PROPER MARATHON TRAINING, i.e., following a programme that actually means I run faster and longer each week. Started Jan 1st and so far I have run through rain, sleet, snow and ice for up to 2h and 15 minutes on my last weekly long Sunday run. I have cut my hair short as that meant it was easier to manage with all the sweat and stuff - the verdict is out on that one. Not sure, might have to go back to braids...Revamped my diet so I don't interrupt my training with needless colds - fresh lemon in hot water morning and night and lots of fruit and veggies and plenty of rest. But guess what... as I am about to start week 8, I get another bloody cold and Toddler Boy still wants to get up every night for a bottle of milk, work is relentless so there goes my rest...

But you know it is too late to turn back, so unless I am no longer in this life in April, I intend to do this marathon (sneeze).
